Building shifters for BMWs for over 30 years
We build shifters for BMW cars both as part of regularly scheduled production runs or according to one-off custom requests

Muscle Memory
Above all, we sell precision and repeatability. We do not want you to waste time hunting for a gate or a gear. We want you to be able to shift using muscle memory because that is the only way you will shift faster and enjoy the drive.
Integrated Mechanism
We build and sell complete and matched mechanisms because your car will shift only as well as the weakest link in its system will allow it. We do not sell you a shift lever then tell you to upgrade to a poetically named selector rod then send you to the dealer for a new front coupler.
A shifter that fits
We build and sell a shifter that fits you. One that fits your driving style. Many variants of throws are available from stock throw to very short shifter travel without any of it affecting the precision and the repeatability of the pattern. We can build a stock throw and a 35% throw both of which feel like a rifle bolt. We can also accommodate most requests be it an odd shift lever height, knob attachment or even a full on custom shifter.
Click the button to learn more about the BMW shifter and how it works. Then come back here or go to APPLICATIONS in the menu bar .
Your Car Photo Here : Send us a photo of your car whether gorgeous or a wreck and we will use it to represent the series. Maybe for a day , a few weeks or longer...
1 Series
2 Series
3 Series
4 Series
5 Series
Don't hesitate to call or email. Typically we answer emails within the hour and return unanswered calls within 30 minutes. Reach us at 816 651 4269 or 816 5614269. Or through this email form. Note that we are central US time zone and are open 9-5 Monday to Friday. Often we work or loiter in the shop on Saturday and Sunday and will answer ringing phones. When emailing us, providing the last 7 digits of your VIN typically speeds things up.
Recent Projects

Custom Knob

5 speed 2002

AutoCross e30M3