Ultra Shifters Without Arm
e9XM3- e9X335- e8x135,128,1M-F22-F87M2(C)-F80M3-M4-4 series 428, 435-z3-z4-e46zhp330-e46xi-e9x4wd-F6xM5&M6- And More Added or omitted...
What This Section Covers :
2. Thicker More Rigid Inner Lever
4. E9X 328, E9X 335, E8X 135, E8X 128, e9X 4wd
5. E9X 335
6. E8X 135
7. E8X 128
This section addresses many shifters that use generally the same construction techniques . However the many shifters on this page are not interchangeable . The e9XM3 shifter will only fit the e9XM3 and will not fit an e9X 335. E8x135 are also peculiar and will not interchange with e8x128. The commonality is the price and the construction technique.
Shown here is the e9xM3 shifter in its 23% reduction version and 10 mm taller than stock lever. This shifter was ordered with these specific specs. Our customer wanted a shifter that will provide him with less than 25% reduction but more than 20%. The reasoning was that there was not enough feedback for him below 20% but since the car was going to see a lot of day to day traffic he did not want to go past 25% on account of the additional effort required by a shorter throw shifter.
Moreover , our customer wanted to use the ZHP knob which like the F10 knob presented 13 mm lower than the OEM knob inside the passenger compartment. Hence the requirement to build the lever a little taller than OEM to make up for the drop. In this case 10 mm added height was chosen.
The price $399. Had he chosen to retain stock height and reduce the throw 15%, the price would have remained at $399. Had his car being a 335i with a weird offset rod or a 135i with an offset coupler the price would have remained at $399.
The beauty of this system is that it allows us to offer a semi custom shifter at or near standard production costs. We do not charge according to the value of your car. We charge the amount it takes to build as good a shifter we can to meet your needs. Only very rarely the shifter will fall outside the semi custom parameters and the price will increase accordingly. For examples go here

Ultra Kits without Shift Arm $399 SUMMARY
This is the best we offer for the cars listed above. The commonality of construction between all these models is twofold
1. All these kits use the cartridge pivot system rather than the ball and bushing pivot used by the OEM mechanism
2. All these kits use a much thicker inner lever than the OEM lever
3. The geometry of these kits is optimized for minimum additional effort
4. These kits are designed for maximum precision and minimal noise.
5. They can all benefit from the addition of our optional Urethane Bronze front carrier bushing.
1. New Patented Pivot System

Above is a side by side of the two pivots . OEM on the right and AutoSolutions on the left. The OEM lever uses a nylon pivot ball that sits in a nylon cup rather loosely held by tension in the aluminium socket of the shift carrier or bracket . The AutoSolutions lever relies instead on hard chrome polished spherical bearing that is Teflon lined for minimal friction and that is positively bolted to the socket in the carrier. While the OEM ball will wiggle in its location, Our pivot does not move at all.
Below is a side by side picture of the two levers. OEM on the right and AutoSolutions on the left. Note the difference in diameter of the inner lever. The more rigid lever transmits the force from your hand to the transmission more positively
2. Thicker More Rigid Inner Lever

Below is a side by side picture of the two levers. OEM center and AutoSolutions on either side. Note the difference in diameter of the inner lever. The more rigid lever more positively transmits the force from your hand to the transmission shifting "doodahs".
The left lever is slightly thicker than OEM whereas the right lever is quite a bit beefier. This is intentional. The left lever rated at Lbs 2500 is not as beefy as the right lever rated at Lbs 3500. Truth be told we would have liked to us the ticker lever everywhere. Unfortunately the left lever is the beefiest lever we are able to use given the limitations of the OEM shifter. These limitations include available space for the lever to operate and more importantly the complexities of the bends in the OEM lever. These bends are so tight that bending the thicker lever would have resulted in unwanted stresses .
3. E9XM3 Ultra Shifter $399

Left is AutoSolutions, right is OEM.
As you can see the shape and ergonomics are the same. So is the way the shifter presents in the passenger compartment. The lever will accept all BMW knobs or can be customized to accept non BMW knobs ( see CUSTOM WORK). Even our connection to the transmission is offset up just like the OEM shifter.
Notable differences of course are the materials used. Solid selector rod with stainless steel pins replace welded tubular rods, A Teflon lined spherical pivot rated at several thousands of pounds that is solidly bolted to the carrier and isolated from gearbox noise using rubber o rings and the teflon liner itself. More noise isolation is used between the inner and outer lever. This is a very civilized shifter.
The throw can be set to your liking or needs. The typical reductions we build cover a very wide range of reductions from about 7% to 35%.
So can the shift lever height. Usually we will build as low as 3/4 of an inch (19mm ) shorter height than OEM and as high as 1 inch (25mm) taller than OEM but the vast majority of our builds are typically within 1/2 inch or 13mm on either side of the OEM height.
All our shifters are supplied with a pair of new OEM bushings for the shift arm carrier or bracket ensuring that the connection to the transmission is like new. However upgrading this connection is possible using what we think is the best carrier bushing set around
4. E9X 328, E9X 335, E8X 135, E8X 128, e9X 4wd
Those are e9XM3 variants. Some of which use a different shape selector rod, others a different kind of front coupler and some a slightly different lever.
All of them are complete mechanisms and all can use the aforementioned carrier bushing upgrade
Dimensionally and although using the same building blocks as the M3 shifters these will be customized to your car. The upper lever may have the right amount of front to back rake, the right amount of side inclination and the right height. The reduction ratio will be adapted to your model all the while preserving the proper clearance. This is not a one size fit all.
And unless you request a taller or shorter or more left of right leaning shifter we will build a shifter that puts the shift knob where your OEM knob was.
Still the inner lever will be as thick and rigid as our M3 lever, the rod will be solid steel with stainless steel pins , the spherical bearing still teflon lined and rated at 3500 lbs and the front coupler properly sized.

e9x 328, e8x 128

e9x335 e9x 135

More e9x 135 e9x 335

e9x 4wd
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